Thursday, June 17, 2010

FOP an instance of perception re-engineering

The FOP or Friends of People, Police, Press, Poor, Progress, Pupils, Principles, Peace concept transforms the perceptions of the average citizen such that he/she becomes empowered by a new sense of identity with all these facets. The average citizen whose concept of citizenship was that he/she should live peacefully, enjoy his/her rights, pay the taxes, obey the laws, now realizes that the citizen can play a more active contributory role in society and the state. Besides, the perception about the police, the equal role of the public in policing, the perception of the police themselves vis a vis their role as catalysts facilitating citizens to better police themselves lead to mutual understanding and a better security environment. The police, for one thing will begin to perceive themselves not as agents of the government or not merely as creatures of the law but as servants and friends of the people as a whole. This perception will lead to behavioural modification since people are beginning to openly identify themselves as Friends of Police, it behooves the police to behave as Friends of People. The palpable sense of fear of police that exists in postcolonial countries like India will begin to decline and eventually disappear. The people's perception that police are indeed, their friends and can be trusted would lead to them sharing information and intelligence with the police. When citizens participate in policing by doing night patrols, traffic regulation and so on, their perception of the police will change and they will develop a sense of empathy for the police. The view that the police are defenders of the status quo, and are pro-rich and anti-poor will change when the other meaning of FOP Friend of Poor is canvassed. People and police personnel will begin to take actions to help the poor and underprivileged. Such changes in perception, behaviour and actions will lead to a gradual, incremental transformation of the hitherto negative police image in the eyes of the public they are meant to serve.

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